LET'S SEE THE PAST? ... or not..


Mul on kohati hea meel, et järjekordne semester saab läbi, kuid kohati väga nukker, kuna alles algas ja see pmst. mu viimane semester Taanis (hetkeste plaanide järgi). Samuti kõigide nende projektide kõrval, mida peame tegema, tuleb väike hirm isegi sisse mõttele, et pea 1,5 nädala pärast on mu esimene eksam – raamatupidamises.

Rääkides kostüümist pildil, siis see on pärit SIIT. Olin päris hirmul algul, et see mingi tugev kanges, mida kandes ei saa käsi liigutadagi, kuid minu rõõmuks täitsa veniv kangas. Mulle isiklikult väga meeldib see komplekt ning ei jõua soojemaid kraade äragi oodata, kuna kuigi oli soov teha pilte nendes õues, siis inimesed ilmselt arvaks, et ma puhta napakas peast. 😀


//I’m kind of happy, because another semester is soon over, but also sad when I’m thinking about that it’s basically my last semester in Denmark (well, I still don’t know what future brings). After all those projects what we have recently hand-in, I’m even kind of scared, because in 1,5 weeks there will be first exam – Management Accounting.

Talking about the outfit on the pictures, which is from HERE. I was pretty scared about the fabric, thinking that maybe it’s harsh and I cannot move on it, but luckily I was wrong – it’s really nice and stretchy. I like the pattern and I cannot wait for the summer time (warm weather). I actually planned to take those pictures outside, but by looking outside – no thank you (hopefully soon).

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LET'S SEE THE PAST? ... or not..