Kui sa oled huvitatud samast erialast, siis täpsemat infot saad siit:

Name: Birgit Kool

Home Country: #Estonia

Study Programme: BEng in #Globalmanagementandmanufacturing

Age: 19

Why did you choose #Denmark? 

In the summer of 2012 I visited my Danish friend here in #Odense and I fall in love of that city, so I decided to find out opportunities to study here. Also the main reason was that I wanted something new to myself and to have some changes in life.

Why the #UniversityofSouthernDenmark? 

University of Southern Denmark offers me exactly that thing, what I want and also I heard a lot of good things about that university, for example that I would get really good education here, teachers are really nice and also one important factor for me was that we have a lot of practice, and we learn the exact things in our specialty, for example I know that in Estonia, there are a lot of theories and formulas, which you don’t have connection to real life and you do not even know what to do with it.

How are the teachers/lectures? The study environment?

Until now I have been so amazed how friendly and helpful teachers are. They really care about students and makes sure that they understand everything. Study environment are really enjoyable, for example that’s totally normal here, when you are eating in the same time, when lecture are taking place, that’s surprised me in the beginning. 

What do you like to do when you are not in class?

Actually my biggest passion is designing clothes, even if that sounds strange, when you know what I’m studying. I have been sewing and designing for four years and I have done seven collections. Also I love to dance, what I have done for 13 years and that’s why I also took Zumba education last year. And of course, can’t forget travelling!!

What is it like to be an international student in a foreign country?

I have had really nice experience, I can even say, that it’s my best experience in my life. I have had a lot of fun, met a lot of new people and of course, it’s a little bit hard as well – don’t know the language, prices are pretty high and so on.. But I can say that things are getting better, it was harder in the first semester.

What is your best experience so far?

The whole period!! New people, new environment, new life almost and I like it a lot!

What do you gain from studying abroad? What skills/experiences do you get to take home with you?

For sure it’s good way to practice English, to get to know new people, get to know other country and so on. Living abroad, alone, it is a good way to build strong base to yourself, because you have to figure out everything by yourself (bank, doctor, living place… everything).

What are the #Danes like in your opinion?

Weird, in a good way! I love Danes, but there are many moments when I don’t understand them, but for now I’m used to it. They are open-mined, helpful and really nice. There are two things, what they love to do – sport and partying. I was really surprised, when I saw how popular fitness and sport is here, even in the older generation.

What characterizes Denmark in 3 words?

Bikes, happiness, beer

What surprised you the most about studying/living in Denmark?

How can you bike so much every single day..?! (and also with every kind of weather). And that you have beers at university and also at work…


  • Mul tekkis selline küsimus, kes su kaasõpilased on, kas nad on valdavalt taanlased või ongi see kursus pigem selline, kus on õpilasi paljudest erinevatest riikidest?

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  • Kas need pildid on alles tehtud? Kui jah , siis kas teil tõesti seal juba nii soe? 🙂

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    • Pildid on eelmine nädal tehtud ning niiiiii soe ka nüüd ei olnud, mul oli ikka mantel seljas, kuid õues võtsin ära. Üpris kevad on siin juba jah, umbes 10 kraadi (kui just mitte rohkem) 🙂

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  • studying abroad* 🙂

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  • Anonymous

    Kuidas sa koolis sellise inglise keelega hakkama saad? Alatihti tundub nagu sa ei teaks kõige elementaarsemaid grammatikareegleidki..

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    • Alguses oli raske, väga isegi, kuid nüüdseks on sõnavara suurenenud ja saan hakkama. Keegi ei oota siin, et õpilasel oleks kohe alguses perfektne inglise keel, eriti veel grammatikat.. Neile on pigem tähtis, et õpilane saab asjadest aru.Ma näiteks tihtipeale ei pane tähele kus peab olema a/an/the või mineviku/tuleviku vormid valesti või midagi sellist, kuid ma annan endast parima ja usun, et isegi kui mingid vead sees, siis saadakse aru mida ma mõtlen 🙂

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