It’s funny how one person can create so many amazing moments, but in the same time several negative ones, but the question is – how the hell we always accept those bad memories just because we remember how happy we were around them. We start to accept most ridiculous cases, which hurts a lot, but hey.. ’There was one really cute moment what he/she did…’

Why we hold on the past, which went so wrong direction in the end, however, we feel like its okay now. Forgetting how we have behaved, felt or what we have said, always positive memories overcome negative. It’s not that we have forgave the act, it’s just that ‘he/she used to be light at the end of the tunnel’ or how happy you were with him/her. It’s not about one case.. or two.. There are more cases. Sometimes I just should accept that it is past already and should keep it as a great memory in my mind, even though I want to bring it back into alive. After a year.. Years.

Hey, come back to earth.

I still believe that things go in the way they should go. I believe in destiny, even if most of you don’t.. I believe that everything has its reason. I wish to know some reasons to some events of my life. Probably it comes by time or maybe I just should walk away and take it as a lesson. Best part, I even know what the lesson is and head up, it was a good one.

I would turn back the time, just to see how it would be right now.. or is there any chance to start from page one?
I doubt.
You are my kind of love and I don’t have no clue what to do at this point.

Having a stop at the station right now. Kind of looking for a pair of eyes.

It’s not to you. Not to you either. It’s to me and my mind.


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  • KK

    Väga hästi kirjutatud!👍

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    • Belrosio

      Oi, ma tänan 🙂

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    • KK

      Ma algul arvasin, et see on internetist või raamatust võetud tekst 😀 sõnastus ja mõte on paigal, ei ole midagi liigset, ei jää ka millestki puudu, kõik on õige

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    • Belrosio

      Oh ei 😀
      Vahel tulevad need tujud, kus pean mõtted maha kirjutama, kuigi paljud jäävad drafti kinni, kuna personaalsed siiski. Sellegipoolest hea lugeda seda, kuna kahtlesin ka sellega, kas avaladada või mitte 🙂

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